3 Diet Hacks for Busy Traveling Entrepreneurs

Like you, I have some health goals I am trying to hit this year but I am traveling A LOT. Squeezing a workout while traveling is manageable but keeping the diet in check is tough!!

Looking at my travel schedule for the next 30 days…anxiety sets in and my vision of being beach-ready by summer starts to fade.

All is not lost, fortunately, I remember something my health coach (Mike Garrick) taught me about using the 3 P’s to keep me on track!

PRIORITY- You have to prioritize the importance of fueling yourself properly. Not just to hit your goals but also to keep your energy levels and moods stable to accomplish your entrepreneurial endeavors. By prioritizing your nutritional goals you’ll be way ahead of the game. Don’t wait until you’re starving to eat because you’ll have less willpower making you more likely to fail. Prioritize protein with EVERY meal for satiety, muscle preservation, metabolic stimulation AND it’s measurable. Don’t drink your calories. I make sure protein and water intake goals are met as a priority.

PLANNING – a little forethought goes a long way. Knowing your schedule and taking some time for a little “strategy” can mean the difference between make or break! Be sure your hotel room has a refrigerator that you can stock with food conducive to your goals AND by being close enough to a grocery store so you can stock it. Generally, when I check into a hotel I will walk to a gas station or grocery store to get pre-made protein shakes, some berries or fruit, and some jerky. I make sure my briefcase has several protein bars in there. Right now my favorite protein bars are the Chocolate Coconut Built Bars. They have 13g of protein and only 130 calories.

PREPARATION – Pick up and or take “supplies” with you so you’re NEVER caught off guard. You want to have a backup plan of protein powders/bars with either good quality nuts or fruit. Airports particularly are tough to get healthy options so take some with you. If you think you’re going to have willpower when you get ravenously hungry, you’re up in the night and you will fail faster than you can say vending machine.

Every time you use this framework you’ll learn more and more about yourself and what works for you.

You stick to your plan, prioritize and prepare your way to success.

It is all about discipline and balance in all things. I find that if I can exercise discipline around my eating habits 90% of the time that means I can CHOOSE to indulge 10% of the time with good friends or on that chocolate cake that a restaurant is famous for!

Go follow my health Coach Mike Garrick (@mindnutritionbody) on Instagram for more health tips and go listen to The Whole Enchilada episode #33 where I interview him.
