How to Increase Your Capacity to Achieve this Week

I escaped to the mountain this weekend to create space for some quiet thinking time. I wanted to share with you what I learned over the weekend. I hope it helps!


Your Capacity in life is in direct Proportion to your perceptions IN your life. We all aim to increase our capacity to progress to a higher version of ourselves. In fact, we all spend a lot of money on self-improvement books, seminars and coaching to help us down that path. All these mediums are designed to give us new information, action plans or strategies to overcome that next hurdle in our own journey. However, we must acknowledge that a lot of times that next critical step to our own growth is not an absence of something, but it is a need to change a false or skewed perception of something in our current “reality”. Ryan Holiday, in his book The Obstacle Is The Way, states, “Our perceptions determine, to an incredibly large degree, what we are and are not capable of. In many ways, they determine reality itself. When we believe in the obstacle more that in the goal, which will inevitably triumph?”

If you believe that you are capable of more (which you are) ask yourself ‘What really stands in my way? What false belief, preconception or perception is not serving me on my journey?’ An example of how these misleading perceptions may be showing up in your life in the form of limiting beliefs are, “It’s too hard”, “ It can’t be done”, “You’re not smart enough”, “They are better than you”, “You don’t have the time”, and the list of potential limiting beliefs you may be experiencing goes on and on.

YOUR LIFE IS MALLEABLE, You are the CREATOR! If you want a different outcome, start by examining the way you think. Identify the perceptions that may be standing in your way, reframe those perceptions to better serve you and watch your current reality reshape to match the new perceptions.

Thanks for being a part of the Enchilada Network…

Don’t forget…go live life on your terms this week!
