#38 – Think Bigger, Do Bigger ft. Justin Stoddart

As men and women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s look to pursue their careers and reach new heights financially they also have family, friends, and parenthood to worry about during this prime time of their careers. Marcus Green (Host) and Justin Stoddart discuss how they can balance their energies and be successful in both aspects of their lives. TWE guest, Justin Stoddart, also goes in-depth about this “Think Bigger, Do Bigger” mindset and how he approaches building his community and relationships.

00:00 Prolog
01:00 Introduction
02:55 Think Bigger Show
06:00 What matters more to you?
07:30 Fatherhood and career
08:30 Balance is everything
10:00 Sales is a numbers game
17:15 Self Development and growth
20:00 Mindset & Time
22:15 Use ALL resources available to you
27:00 Your future vision of yourself
33:00 Wrapping up

#37 – Self Leadership precedes all other leadership ft. Jeremy Larkin

In the world of entrepreneurship and business ownership leadership is king. In this new episode, Marcus invites one of his good friends, Jeremy Larkin, a Real Estate expert, entrepreneur, and CEO of Southern Utah’s The Larkin Group.

Marcus and Jeremy discuss the importance of self-leadership and how being vulnerable as a leader helps teams open up and realize that they’re all in this together. Jeremy Larkin said, “We are so caught up in our thoughts and our feelings,” and the best team leaders can rally the troops, get everyone on the same page, discuss team goals and push the team to accomplish those goals.

00:00 Prolog
01:30 Introduction
02:30 Work and culture “Needs to be fun”
03:30 Self Leadership
05:40 Be vulnerable as a leader
08:15 Consistency in the wrong activities
12:30 Time on earth – use it wisely
20:30 Coulda, woulda, shoulda
21:35 Maximize your moments
27:00 Accept things exactly as they are
33:35 The Whole Enchilada trail – Southern Utah
36:30 Wrapping up – Jeremy Larkin

#36 – Leadership and building culture with the right team ft. Emily Lowry

Marcus invites Emily Lowry, entrepreneur and owner of Keller Williams brokerages to dig into how leaders can improve the lives of their team by building the culture of their workplace.

01:30 Introduction
03:00 Where the need to teach came from
04:15 Find yourself a mentor
07:00 Is money your priority?
10:30 People don’t work FOR me… We work TOGETHER
14:30 Empathy is a big part of the job
17:30 Zero gossip
21:35 Earn the right to have open and vulnerable conversations
26:25 See things from others perspective
30:40 How can I help YOU? That’s a leader!

#35 – What kind of leader are you?

In this solo podcast Marcus asks…”What kind of a leader are you?” A leader will inspire, teach, open up opportunities for their followers allowing them to lead in their own way.

00:00 Prologue
25:00 Leader = pathfinder
01:00 5 Levels of leadership – breaking it down
02:15 Hold yourself accountable
06:30 Disciplines of execution
10:16 Ask…how does this impact my family and well being?
14:22 Charismatic energy
17:30 Is there a clear standard?
19:00 Wrap up

#34 – Childhood Experiences Molds Your Future Self ft. Louie Hamner

Louie Hamner, owner of Vanguard Title, meets with Marcus Green and talks about his childhood experiences that have helped mold him into the man and success he is today. This is a good representation of how we, as parents, adults, should focus on mentoring our youth and preparing them for the real world at a younger age.

00:00 Prologue
00:35 Introducing – Louie Hamner
03:35 Childhood lessons molds the future
06:00 New trajectory
10:00 First leader – Scout Master
16:37 Leaders recognize other leaders
18:00 Inspire others
22:30 Money is great – but building trust with others is more important
25:00 Keep educating yourself, daily.
28:15 Today’s Ah Ha’s.
28:47 Who needs my A game?
31:57 Look for your ideal future self.
32:35 Wrap up

#33 – 6 ways to include fitness and nutrition in your busy life ft. Mike Garrick

Do you find yourself feeling sluggish, tired, and just overworked? Mike Garrick – personal trainer, nutrition coach and firefighter tells us 6 ways we can wake up our minds, bodies and muscles which can lead to a healthier, less stressful and more energetic life.

00:00 Prologue
00:35 Introduction Mike Garrick – personal trainer, nutrition coach and firefighter.
03:00 Physical fitness is psychological
05:30 Sauna / Cold shower = Great sleep
06:40 Sleep and your digestive system work together
07:15 6 Ways professionals can balance work and nutrition/health
08:20 The word: BUSY
08:43 False Economy – Takes 10x the amount of energy for body to heal itself
11:15 Mike suffered disorder brought on by HIGH stress
12:20 6 areas – Light, mind, movement, food, breathing, and sleep
13:27 LIGHT
16:53 MIND
18:01 Catch, Own, Replace
25:00 FOOD
28:42 80% of diet – Whole Foods
31:18 Calories are king for weight loss
36:25 SLEEP
41:00 Create a routine with all of these practices
42:30 Wrap up

#32 – Recap of 2021 and Reaching Our Goals In 2022 ft. Russie Edwards, Robert MacFarlane, and Sabrina Cicchi

00:00 Prologue
00:35 Introduction of Russie, Robert and Sabrina
01:15 Titles and favorite ice creams
04:20 Sabrina favorite books of 2021 and why.
06:00 Exec Assist – Nationwide virtual assistant company – helping agents and their social media
06:37 Russie Favorite book of 2021 and why.
08:49 Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy. Level up!
11:58 Robert favorite book of 2021 and why.
12:30 Thought process around life. Dumb and smart way of doing things.
16:30 Marcus favorite book of 2021 and why – Motivation Manifesto
18:19 – 18:54 Choosing one word that will represent your 2022
28:00 Self Mastery and Self Discipline
33:14 Advice on how pick YOUR word of the year.
37:08 Write down your goals, write down the characteristics you’ll need to have in order to accomplish them
39:00 Wrapping up

#31 – Invest In Yourself & Keep Healthy Relationships ft. Jonny Christensen

Jonny Christensen – Friend, Entrepreneur and Regional Director and State Director for Keller Williams

00:00 Prologue
00:35 About Jonny Christensen
01:15 How I got into Keller Williams
03:20 Getting to the next level
05:25 2 things I had to do to get to that next level
08:00 I do it? They do it? NO, we do it.
13:00 3 big things for leaders to pay attention to
17:41 Don’t burn yourself out – get energized
22:30 Find happiness in the journey
27:39 Lead generation – the main money maker
30:50 Do your goals all co-exist?
31:00 Wrapping up

#30 – Shiny Objects and Big Money are Great but a Distraction ft. Tyler Blair

Tyler Blair – Founder of Legacy Real estate team, entrepreneur, friend

00:00 Prologue
00:35 Fun stories: About Tyler Blair
06:15 Create a model for the entrepreneur game
07:51 Moment of clarity – Business is about people, not money
08:10 Watching others succeed
12:00 People come and go
15:00 Use your family and future as a motivator
19:00 Mixing business and personal life
20:30 How to share your vision and message to your team
24:00 Find friends, loved ones, co-workers to throw ideas by
30:00 Find a leader who will take you under their wing
35:10 Put yourself in the head of your client
38:00 Wrapping things up

#29 – Stop Being Self Destructive – Utah Jazz broadcaster Alema Harrington’s tips on how to beat your demons

Alema Harrington – Utah Jazz broadcaster, Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor, former BYU Football player

00:00 Prologue
00:55 About Me: Alema Harrington
01:15 Born in Hawaii
02:30 Predictions for the Utah Jazz
04:10 Jazz in a good place.
05:24 Be the selfless talent NOT the selfish talent
07:00 College experience is amazing but life experience is everything.
10:10 Difference between being honest and BRUTALLY honest
09:45 Trip down memory lane: High School Football star
15:00 Surround yourself with higher talent – Challenge yourself
16:15 College football – Eye opening
18:00 Introduced to opioids
20:10 We all have a little voice in our heads
22:30 Using substances, anger, etc to numb the voice instead of listen
36:00 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous – sound principles for those in need
47:00 Remember your importance to family, friends, and your organization
55:00 Stories are unique and universal at the same time
55:25 Terminal uniqueness – Your situation is different from everyone elses?
58:30 We are all connected, struggling and battling our egos.
1:02:15 We all have internal battles and demons to battle.
1:03:20 Wrapping up